Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Animation ideas

Animation Research thought process/ideas Photo II: Turning a piece a paper into a snowflake cutout, animating the umbrella with googly eyes, something with fire...not sure what yet, using the ideaof a string of christmas lights, pumpkin heads will roll to the yeah yeah yeahs...., russian nesting dolls,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Optical illusion

Art is the greatest thing ever. Look at the picture....no, it's not moving, it's your eyes moving that creates the illusion. Crazy good.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So much respect............

I just finished up a two day art assignment at a local elementary. I had a lot of kindergarten and first grade classes, not to mention two 2/3 splits. Developmentally, these kids are so varied. You've got very high and you've got a lot of SWD.

The best thing was that I had 80, yes count them 80, minutes with second and up. Do you you know what you can do with that kind of time? OMG. I was freaking out a little bit b/c I wasn't sure how it was going to be. I love it! It went so fast and it was just a little more relaxed b/c there was proper time for set up and clean up, there was time for reading and writing, there was time to let things dry, do another activity to make the connection, and then go work back on what was once wet, is now dry.
The worst was that 40 minutes flies by way too fast. I found myself scrambling the first time I went back to that amount of time. Not too good, but I learned. You can't know until you experience it and reflect on it.

I'm quickly learning that if I don't reflect on an experience, it's kind of lost, forgotten, or time wasted.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I found the most perfect T-shirt the other day while I was researching for a presentation I have to give. I find it to be a bit of a contradiction that as an literacy advocate and art teacher that I cannot use fun fonts for all of these academic papers. Wouldn't that be a perfect marriage? If I could use font diner's "lounge" on my work. *sigh*

Monday, April 19, 2010

Compare a Blanced Literacy Program to Abstract Art.....

Take the components of a balanced literacy program and creatively use a metaphor to describe them. I am quite pleased with myself for thinking of a solution to the problem using who I am as a person and educator. The PPT turned out pretty awesome, but each student in class will create their own abstract "painting" using construction paper to compare and contrast the literacy components to the art components...keep your fingers crossed!