Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I found the most perfect T-shirt the other day while I was researching for a presentation I have to give. I find it to be a bit of a contradiction that as an literacy advocate and art teacher that I cannot use fun fonts for all of these academic papers. Wouldn't that be a perfect marriage? If I could use font diner's "lounge" on my work. *sigh*

Monday, April 19, 2010

Compare a Blanced Literacy Program to Abstract Art.....

Take the components of a balanced literacy program and creatively use a metaphor to describe them. I am quite pleased with myself for thinking of a solution to the problem using who I am as a person and educator. The PPT turned out pretty awesome, but each student in class will create their own abstract "painting" using construction paper to compare and contrast the literacy components to the art components...keep your fingers crossed!